to budding collectors: wine is not magic

Just to throw in my $0.02…

Wine may or may not be magic…but the friendships, memories, and experiences I’ve had in my life are. The great wines of my life have been about the gatherings and sharing something special with friends & strangers. The wines I search for and stash away in the cellar are about creating future enjoyment, something to share with someone I do or don’t know or remembering a time & place. The 2013 Elio Grasso Casa Maté was resting in the winery when I visited last year and will remind me of my time in their cellars and visiting with the family when I share it with others later in life. That being said…don’t forget that there are other ways to spend your money and enjoy wine like traveling to the regions, going to meals with other wine lovers, and eventually with enough time and exposure…sharing your experiences with those that discovered wine years after you do.

Thanks for your 2 million dollar comments. Nicely stated and so true.

Well put Kirk.


But, do you really not like any white wines?

Didn’t mean to imply that at all! It was a few years before I got excited about them, but they’re a big part of our consumption these days. I was just suggesting not to buy wines in the hope that one day you would like them.

Have to agree with Alan W too. Really the best part of wine is the way it allows you to meat and befriend so many people you might never otherwise have encountered.