I’m referring to Kellen’s wine–Romain’s widow. How is she doing now w/a few vintages under her belt? Is the feud over between her and her father-in-law Hubert? How was the 09 CdlR–one of the very few red wines I’ve bought post 05.
Are you talking about Georges Lignier?
I bought some of the '09 but haven’t tried it yet, but I did have the '10 CDLR and it is fabulous…
Alan, I tasted out of barrel. It was good enough for me to buy some and I bought very very few '09s. I haven’t received my bottles yet.
no. Kellen Lignier, widow of Romain, Hubert Lignier was the domaine, now Lucie et Auguste Lignier (her kids) as of 2005.
just got mine–nice packaging with wax capsules.
Come on Alan, take one for the team. I bought some Lignier-Michelot CdlR but I’ve never had the (cheaper) Lucie et Auguste versions.