I am such a weakling. Couldn’t resist trying this when I saw it in at CostPlus/WorldMarket:
- ZipZ Chard 100% Calif Wine (13%) ZipZ/Modesto/StanilasCnty NV: Pale yellow near colorless; very light pineapply/fruity/grapey simple/dull/bland/innocuous nose; soft/flat/fat off-dry grapey/fruity flavor w/ no Chard character whatsoever; very short grapey/fruity soft/fat/underacid bland/simple finish devoid of any Chard character; dull as dishwater; way overpriced at $3.99/187 ml
A wee BloodyPulpit:
- This is called “taking one for the team”. I saw this at CostPlus & decided to try it for my vast legion of followers out on the InterNet. This is a plastic wine glass filled (to the brim) w/ wine (Chard/Cabernet/PinotGrigio) w/ a twist-off plastic lid afixed to the top, the entire ensemble encased in a shrink-wrap plastic corset. You peel off the shrink-wrap, unscrew the lid & afix it by twisting to the bottom, and drink away. Of course, if you try to swirl the wine, it mostly slops off onto your hand and the tabletop. You have to take a few swallows in order to take a sniff of the wine…but why bother…there’s no nose there. The Modesto address suggests it is a Gallo product. This is even blander than the 2$Chuck Chard. It’s not “bad” wine…just boring as hell. And if you buy a 6-pack & drink them all…you might get a slight buzz. Clearly, I’m not the target market for this convenience item.