Tried these two last night at BacchusBadBoys:
- Carlisle Zin GumTreeRanch/RRV (15.7%; +PS) 2000: Dark color w/ slight bricking; strong minty/eucalyptus some cedary/pencilly/smokey/oldZin strong blackberry/boysenberry/licorice/ripe bit fumey/alcoholic rather dusty/OV light toasty/oak fairly complex nose; soft some eucalyptus/minty/menthol bit hot/alcoholic strong blackberry/boysenberry/licorice/ripe some cedary/pencilly complex flavor w/ light/smooth tannins; very long bit fumey/alcoholic strong ripe/blackberry/boysenberry dusty/OV bit cedary/pencilly finish w/ light gentle tannins; shows the alcohol a bit and starting to some oldZin character; drink up.
- Ridge Zin Jimsomare LateHrvst SantaCruzMtns (100% Zin; 16.2%; 7 1/2 brls; bttld 4/12; Drk: 1/12-1/24-1/27: EB; SaH: 29.4%; RS: 1.7%) 2010: Very dark color w/ slight browning; very intense blackberry/boysenberry/Zin/very spicy/brambly slight herbal/new mown hay slight alcoholic very light vanilla/oak fairly complex nose; slightly tart slightly sweet very intense blackberry/boysenberry/Zin/very spicy light vanilla/oak/DraperPerfume flavor w/ light smooth tannins; very long/lingering slightly sweet intense blackberry/boysenberry/Zin/very spicy/licorice/ripe rather dusty/OV complex finish w/ light smooth tannns; a spectacular LH Zin.
A wee BloodyPulpit:
- The Carlisle was in a lot better shape than I was expecting. But is starting to show signs of decline. The alcohol showed a bit, but it had no raiseny/pruney character that you’d expect of an older wine at this alcohol level.
- The Jimsomare LateHrvst was an amazing Zin…one of the best Ridge LateHrvsts I’ve had in many a moon. It reminded me a bit of the Jimsomare LateHrvst '70, in fact. No raisened/pruney/LateHrvsty character at all.
- We also tried:
Turley PesentiRanch/PasoRobles Zin (15.9%) 2006
Turley Zin UberrothVnyd/PasoRobles (15.8%) 2010
Ridge Zin LyttonEast (15.1%; Drk: 1/05-1/10-1/15: PD;
18% PS/6% Carignan) 2003
Dashe Zin DryCreekVlly (14.5%) 2012
Acre Zin NapaVlly (14.1%) 2012
RobertBiale Zin MonteRosso/SonomaCnty (15.8%) 2011
Martinelli Zin Giuseppe&Luisa RRV (16.3%) 2013
Brown RW NapaVlly (14.7%) 2007
The two Turleys were an interesting comparison. The Pesenti was a classic overripe/jammy Paso Zin. The Uberroth was much more interesting, more spicy, more serious Zin.
The LyttonEast was drinking wonderfully and probably go another 5 yrs. A classic spicy/raspberry/DCV Zin w/ classic DraperPerfume.
The Dashe was another classic DCV spicy/raspberry Zin and far better than his l’EnfantTerrible versions.
The Biale was also in beautiful shape and showed the classic structure you expect from MonteRosso