TN: Qupe Roussanne AlbanVnyd '95...(short/boring)

Had this last night w/ leftover green chile stew of Susan’s:

  1. Qupe Roussanne AlbanVnyd/EdnaVlly (12.5%) 1995: Med.dark gold/burnished bronze/orange color; strong nutty/toasted hazelnuts/honeyed/honeysuckle/minerally bit oxidized bit pencilly/tobaccoy/oak complex oldRhoneBlanc nose; soft/smooth toasted hazelnuts/honeyed/almost botrytis-like lush/rich slight oxidized/oldRhoneBlanc tobaccoy complex flavor; very long/lingering smooth/lush/rich quite honeyed/botrytis-like some toasted hazelnuts/toasted coconut/oxidized/nutty oldRhone complex finish; a beautiful example of a fully-mature oldRhoneBlanc/Roussanne w/ slight oxidation; a smooth/gentle/complex Roussanne. $25.00

A wee BloodyPulpit:

  1. This may have been BobLindquist’s first Roussanne. I recall it has being quite lean/acidic, a bit volatile, fair amount of oak. It has evolved into a beautiful example of an old RhoneBlanc/Roussanne. I’ve had a couple of Chave HermitageBlancs at 15-25 yrs of age and this was very much like those. Old RhoneBlancs are a bit of a cultivated/acquired taste and those who don’t care for a bit of oxidation in their whites will not like this and should stick to their Rombauer Chard [snarkyputdown.gif].
    Bob makes a HillsideSelect Roussanne from BienNacido grapes that is absolutely stunning, one of the world’s great Roussannes. I see no reason that it won’t be a great as this Alban at 15-25 yrs of age.

Nice one Tom! Had a 2001 of these(from Backroad Bob) that was bright, clean and fresh…the complete opposite from what John Alban puts in the bottle. Then a '97 that was gone to OX land. That '01 was nice…but I prefer the exotic match strike, hazelnut butter, rich apricot, baked apple style of the Master!