TN: Gulfstream with the Dudes 2.0 - Dominus,MDooker,Insignia,Forman,MtEden,Aubert

LMAO I may have to use that line whenever A boo boo brings wine to dinner.

Bumping this old classic, since Dietz made a Valentines’ version of the photo his profile pic on Facebook. Ah…blast from the past!

Who needs a theme? We had some very fun dinners. Time for a reunion? I’ll bring the Red Vines.


It’s been so long that gulfstream and the sister restaurants charge corkage now.

Thanks Obama!

It’s probably because we completely took advantage of the system.

I’m sure Dietz was in there twice a day with a bottle each time in the down low. The restaurant had to make a move. Thanks Semaj.

…yeah, wow…I remember reading this thread back in 09! My wife and the in-laws religiously hit Gulfstream 1-2 times a month for several years until the cork charge arrived. Always excellent service and reliable food, and the crowd/scene never failed to roll our eyes.

We stopped going morsoe due to fatigue rather than having to cough up $15 for the cork. Also, they stopped opening our bottles on the patio before seating for dinner, which was always a nice way to relax and watch old med/women hit on young women/men while waiting for a table.

I do miss the salmon…so good!

No Dietz sightings, but he’d likely hopped to the Quiet Woman or Crow Bar by the time we arrived. I don’t think DT sanTana was a thing yet.

Cris and Paul.seemed far apart on the Fevre

Cris your note had me salivating, Paul’s also, ‘minus’ the flat mention.
All those descriptors fit right into my white burg wheelhouse.