TN: Donkey&Goat GrenacheRose '11..(short/boring)

Tried last night w/ my chicken:

  1. Donkey&Goat GrenacheRose Isabel’sCuvee Mendocino (U; 13.7%; 95 yr old GrenacheGris) 2011: Med.pinkish/salmon color w/ slight cloudiness; rather attractive cranberry/watermelon/spicy fragrant light earthy lovely nose; fairly tart slight tannic spicy/cranberry/watermelon/spicy/cinammon light earthy/dusty attractive flavor; med.long tart/tangy bit earthy/dusty bright cranberry/watermelon/juicy/spicy finish w/ light tannins; the earthiness suggests Provencal w/o the lean/austere character those often show; quite a nice rose for the price. $15.50

And a wee BloodyPulpit:

  1. These grapes come from BillyCrawford’s GibsonRanch in McDowellVlly. Old vine stuff. There’s not much GrenacheGris in Calif, so the skin contact must have been extended to get the degree of color they achieved in this wine.
    Isabel is Jared&Tracey’s young daughter. Quite a talented artist she is. And if this is a cuvee she created…she’s gonna outshine Mom&Dad as a winemaker.

Thanks for posting this. I picked up a case but have had a nasty cold for the last week and am off wine until then next…until then I’ll have to enjoy it vicariously through your note!