TN: Dinner in LA (Coche, Selosse, Carillon, Montrose, Pappy)

[shock.gif] Seriously, you guys are killing me… That food looks absolutely delicious! Still a dream to see at least a few of you guys next time I come to the other side of the Atlantic, even with dinners half as good as this it’d be worth the trip over! Thanks for posting/teasing!

Damn I must have missed this on the offline planner, it’s only a couple of miles from me. :slight_smile:
What’s the tariff?

food is cheap for what you get. It was $188 for everything before tip for four of us. Matt graciously picked up the tab!
Place is tiny tho, only tables of 4 and 2.

Cellar Door pricing for Coche is shockingly and frustratingly low, so no, not really.

mike, next time you’re in burgundy grab me a 6 pack of CC at the cellar door yah? :slight_smile: