TN: A Graves and a Loire

I have another 1979 or a 1982 if we can do this when Pat is in town. Probably some more recent ones too but I don’t recall off the top of my head.

Yes, the excellent 1995 CSH, plus 2 other good whites, and with the featured bottles of Haut-Bailly, all sufficient for 4 drinkers, may have been a bit for our servers at Maison Kayser.


I have a fairly large collection of older ones, some recently acquired and still in London. Not planning to bring in anything until tariffs are over.

I can ask Veronique Sanders of Haut Bailly if she would like to be a guest speaker.

Good to see interests here, mostly from the usual suspects.

Will look to set something up but, as you well know, it’ll be dependent on where the Covid19 situation stands.

  • When will group gathering be allowed?
  • Convenient venue/restaurant that’s open to hold dinner?
  • Patrick’s travel date
  • Is Veronique even allowed to travel to the US these days? Is she fine with doing zoom?

Emails will be sent out once the air clears.


Safety is of course our first concern, and I wouldn’t dream of holding this until the virus has gone. Then there are the tariffs.

There is no rush, and I am still going to wait out the tariffs, as the 1964, 1966, 1968 and 1975 are still in England. On principle I have no intention of paying a penny extra; the idea of taxing wine and cheese for the wrongs of the airline industry is absurd and infuriating.

Veronique and I have talked about doing this some time ago; her schedule when she comes here is usually difficult, so zoom may work. I would prefer to hear her insights from tasting the wines, as the older ones were made by her grandfather.