A nose you can smell from feet away. Toast and lemon curd, with great freshness and cut, but with even better texture. There’s a fine mousse very deep body with an incredible depth and vinosity to this. Beautiful. Texturally rich and incredibly light on its frame. Very long. Outstanding. No points awarded.
As good as this wine is, it pales to the greatest single thing that will ever happen to me. My son has joined us today. The most wonderful thing I have ever, and could ever hope to, see. I am at a loss for words, but can only wish that each of you, at at least one time in your life, can feel how I feel right now.
Congratulations! It’s something that can’t be described in words. We weren’t decided on a name before our first was born and after I saw what my wife went through I told her she could name him whatever she wanted. FWIW, I drink a lot more champagne and whites as most of my wine drinking is done while I am cooking for and eating with my children.
Congratulations Todd. I agree 1000 percent. The most amazing feeling ever. When my first was born, a reservoir of love opened that I never even knew existed. I snuck a bottle of champagne into the hospital for each birth.
I hate to contradict you on this great occasion . . . but it only gets better. Seeing them smile, walk, give you a hug, its all amazing. Cheers to you and your family.
Connie and I were talking about you and Kim yesterday and remembering our first born 11yrs and 18 days ago. Glad to hear all is well. Congratulations! We wish you “three” the best.
BTW: Outstanding choice of a celebratory bottle. My favorite champagne.