TN: 2021 Vignobles Levet Cotie Rotie La Peroline (a/k/a La Chavaroche) - A 2016 Les J Added 1.10.2025

Inspired by this thread I was digging around to find a bottle of this last night but alas given the overflow status of my cellar I could not find one… maybe for the better.

I did open and enjoy a 2019 Rouchier St Joseph Luc which while young, I enjoyed very much while watching Ohio State knock out Texas.

For the rule of 15 philosophy (I am new to Rhone’s), how does this extend to 2010? Is it an exception or are these (including Levet where I have a few) ready to go?


The 2010s need more time, at least the big guns like Jamet, Clape, Levet, Allemand, Gonon, etc. This is a wonderful vintage, but it is big and structured, and simply needs more time. I’ve tried Jamet, Gonon and Clape this past year. Don’t get me wrong, these are delicious wines right now, but they are just barely starting the drinking window and if you don’t have many of these - especially as they have gotten very expensive - I recommend you give them a few more years.

Have also had Jamet and Gonon in the past year and agree. I didn’t enjoy drinking the Gonon even. 2011 Jamet on the other hand, really good. 2005, needs more time.

Gonon 2011 is way open for business as well. I need to start pulling my 2011s from storage, actually. A fairly open vintage from the start.

I’d say the rule of 15 is usually applicable for top producers in good vintages. 2011, 2013, 2014 even some 2017 are ready to drink right now, and won’t hold for long imo.
For Côte Rôtie, I’d say within 3 years of vintage, or wait at least 8 years, 10 if possible, 12 even better.
+0-3 years for Cornas, +3-5 years for Hermitage.

The caveat is how mature you like your syrah. If you like fur or other “animal” flavors then sure, hold your Jamet for 20 years at least.
But I also had a 2010 a few weeks back and after a while it was firing on all cylinders. I told my friend that I found it a tad young (tight) still, but he made me think when he said that the complexity is already there. Some more evolution will bring other flavors, but not necessarily more complexity, if that makes sense.

FWIW, for a long time I didn’t touch any 2010 Rhône nord, but at the same diner I also opened an Hermitage from Domaine du Colombier, and it was pretty nice (better than I expected). Last but not least, a Chave St Joseph was also very good, with only a slight note of barnyard, thus ending my streak of Chave St Jo going down the drain due to bretts.



Have the Peroline 2022 in the glass right now. All elements are there, but are hiding behind a tannic wall. Two previous vintages were much more forthcoming on release. I will refrain from reloading for now.

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OK, this 2016 has opened up a lot overnight, enjoying the remaining half bottle right now. Well it’s still really really needs a lot of time, at least it is now showing more of its true self, this will be a wonderful wine. And yes, some naughty hints of wild and feral things are peeking out…

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