TN: 2021 Keller „von der Fels“

That is what I meant, thanks. This Keller is my first dry Rieslings I have had before, and I was suprised at the higher ABV.

I just tried this, and they said they do not accept these sort of requests. Might just be that the list is full currently.

This means the list is full, sorry.

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Thanks Martin,

I will try to sign up through the website directly.
Used to have a retail here where I could by the wines (since a few years not possible), P&P (ordered from them since) stopped delivering to NL… If Keller delivers directly to the NL it will be terrific but otherwise I’ll make arrangement for delivery in Germany :smiley:

Dry rieslings are pretty much always higher in abv than sweet rieslings for precisely the reasons you described—in dry rieslings most if not all the sugar in the riesling gets fermented and converted to alcohol. 12.5-13.5% abv is usually the norm for dry rieslings, but it can go outside of that can change a bit depending on how ripe the grapes were picked. It’s also worth noting, you’ll also find some rieslings labelled as GG or trocken (‘dry’ in German) that may have a few grams of RS.

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I just get informed that no new customers will be accepted at the estate Keller.

The section „Keller-Freunde“ at their website is only for old customers.

AND the vintage 2022 is completely sold out.

Sorry, that my information misguided you.


No worries Martin but when I sent the mail I of course mentioned that you alternatively would be happy sharing your allocation with a fellow Keller appreciator :joy: sharing is caring :pray:

Something I have come to realize is that the mid level dry wines from top producers like Emrich-Schonleber, Schafer-Frohlich and Keller are meant to be drunk earlier and are not just simply inferior wines to the GGs. Most of them come from the same vineyards just younger vines. Especially in great vintages these are incredible values and as the GGs get more and more expensive nice to drink for the first 5-7 years. Of course they will last much longer than 5-7 years. I have started to buy more of the mid-level wines from these three producers and a couple others.


Not just earlier - but in some ways are more versatile than a richer style GG.


Great point.

A 2017 Emrich-Schonleber Halgans I had a while back was spectacular.

I’ve always been more of a pradikat person, but the Halgans was pretty eye-opening for me. I’ve been exploring German trocken wines ever since.

I’ve actually had a question about the aging curve for GGs and trocken wines in general. I get the general impression that a lot of GGs and perhaps some of the pradikat trockens need some time to unwind and aren’t that approachable young, but are there general time frames where you can open a dry German riesling and be confident it will be approachable? Do German dry rieslings shut down like the off-dry/sweet pradikat wines?

Or does it vary considerably wine to wine?

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It depends on how many you have and the wine. I like to drink them along the aging continuum. And I don’t think the early 2000s era wines have aged as well as more recent vintages due to improvements in farming and winemaking.

I do not think as a rule they shut down.

And the Halgrans is an excellent example of a mid-level wine that is a great wine.


Thank you Robert! I appreciate your thoughts.

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I recommend to buy the 2021 version from HALGANS.