Bought a bottle at a local shop here in Franklin, TN.
What a complete and utter let down. No real fruit and lacking any acid at all. Tasted like lightly flavoured sugar water. Complete night and day vs. the 2009 I had last week. Anybody else have a better experience here?
I certainly hope so, as I got a few of these coming.
Why the hurry Bill? It’s barely left the winery and yet you expect immediate fireworks - Prum is well known to take at least a decade before things start to happen in a big way - if you talked to Katharina Prum she would confirm this. Kabinett from WS I’d drink and enjoy earlier but Spatlese and above you must be patient as most of them go through a dumb stage early on, sometimes lasting several years.
Yes, it’s the comment about lacking acidity that really surprises me. Personally, I won’t open any Prum this young because I don’t like the “weird” aromas that I get from them, but I’ve never known acid to hide and re-emerge.
Not necessarily; Prum’s wines often appear to be overblown with fruit and out of balance when young - I have experienced this often over many years of tasting these wines. Even their Kabinett wines can take 3-4 years before becoming more approachable. Aslo, there were no problems with acidity at Prum in 2010 so, just be patient, the rewards will likely be sublime in 6-10 years+. However, if the buyers not happy then he can turn to Prum’s other offerings or go elsewhere. A possible alternative is it may have been a problem bottle but I would think that unlikely.
Are we talking no discernable acidity or no acidity truly? I’d go back to the shop and discuss this issue with them if it were me. I’d want to try another bottle from the same case/batch, gratis, in order to try and get to the bottom of this. I really hope that Bill can make sense of this, get some satisfaction and a possible answer to this issue. For there to be a problem with such a wine from one of the world’s greatest producers/vineyards requires further probing. My other thought was that it could be an end batch bottling issue - let us know how this turns out Bill, I’m very intruiged.
Getting into a little more detail - there was plenty of acidity in the Graacher Himmelreich, plenty of elegant fruit and little or no discernable sulfur!
I am talking flat…no acid bite at all. I will be back in Nashville next week and will try another bottle. The wine manager is pretty cool and evidently the owner is a big German fan, so I should not have any issues.