Its gone up a couple bucks from $15 to $17. I hate it when these wineries think they can get whatever they can charge out of you because everyone wants some.
Sligthly preferred the Gras Moutons for immediate consumption, as a result of a March tasting. Seemed like the '10 Briords would certainly overtake it with just a little more time. IMHO, the '10 Briords was a considerable step up from the '09 (loved the '07 and '08).
Not sure why I passed on this one from Greg. I think this one passed through there, correct? Because of you, Rockie boy, I have quite a bit of Loire in my cellar now. Thank you for that affliction. May open the Clisson tomorrow.
Frank, the 2009 Clissons? I had tonight and left a TN in the already established thread for it…man, what a nice wine.
And I don’t recall seeing the Briords from Envoyer (not that that means much lol). Although I do try to keep an eye out for all of their Muscadet offerings.
polished off my 15th or 16th (who can keep count) bottle of the Clos des Briords tonight. don’t have anymore 2010s…time to decide whether to find more of these or just head to the 2011s.
fwiw, this bottle was like drinking raw shellfish. just awesome stuff.
From all the posts, it seems like I am in the distinct minority here, but I haven’t been all that impreseed with the '10 Clos des Briords. Just picked up a case of the '11, so we’ll see what we think, but I think I liked the '07, '08 & '09 all better than the '10.
Bob, well, put in that context I like the 2002 heads and shoulders over recent releases, but where else are you going to find a wine priced for everyday drinking that can age like a keeper?