TN: 2006 Stéphane Othéguy Condrieu (France, Rhône, Northern Rhône, Condrieu)

  • 2006 Stéphane Othéguy Condrieu - France, Rhône, Northern Rhône, Condrieu (2/21/2012)
    My wife made almond-apricot chicken tonight, which was darned tasty for a quick dinner, and I wanted something to match. I grabbed this because I figured it would be a nice match, I have a couple, I couldn’t think of when else I would get around to drinking one, and I didn’t want to miss the window. And also I thought it was priced more like my weekday drinkers. It wasn’t - $60 a pop from Garagiste - must have bought it on one of my far too frequent Garagiste binges in the past.

So glad I opened it - it’s drinking absolutely beautifully right now. Nose of lime, quince, and lanolin. One the palate, it is firm and round, with an nice mouthfeel. The label reads 13.5% alcohol, and I can believe it. I’ve drunk plenty of 15%+ American viogniers, and this ain’t it. It’s just delicious and complete, with nice acidity and some orange/quince on the palate. Ammi and I drained the bottle on a weekday for a change. Maybe not a great QPR, but a delicious wine that is likely at peak. If you have one, try it now - you won’t be disappointed.

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