2006 Betz Père de Famille.
The wine was opened 5 hours before dinner. I guess this proves you can drink this wine on release or wait 5 years because it was quite opened and only got better the longer it sat. It drank very well now but in a few years I think it will be a great wine so I won’t touch the rest for a long, long time.
1995 Grant Burge Meshach:
Pop and Poured. For all of you that think Aussies are only made by Sparky Marky and the wine has to be big and in your face your dead wrong. This wine showed how well a great Aussie can be and that they know how to make great wine.
The wine was quite young with a beautiful nose of cherry and the palate tasted of eucalyptus and mint, the finish lasted over half a minute. To me this wine ranks right up there with older Grange, Kay Brothers or a HOG. I just loved it. 95+ points.