TN: 2006 Alban Vineyards Viognier (USA, California, Central Coast)

  • 2006 Alban Vineyards Viognier - USA, California, Central Coast (8/30/2009)
    The aromatics on this are HUGE - complex with lots of melon and floral notes. The palate is thick, round and complex, reminiscent of apricots and satsuma oranges. Several notes mention this as a flabby wine however I find plenty of acid. The alcohol on this is high, (16.2%) and it shows. I really enjoyed this wine but the alcohol level was definitely a distraction. (90 pts.)

Posted from CellarTracker

You get the right stemware and marketing, and you’ve got a whole new niche beverage on your hands Ed. neener

It was very much like drinking a cocktail! My wife Joan hated it!
Fun to try though.

Might mix well with a SQN Rosé!!!

How was the toast level, Ed? I tend to recall lots of (too much) alcohol, but also lots of (too much) toast. Did you feel that was the case? Thanks.


Sounds like you had the “Alban Estate” Viognier, not the “Central Coast”…which is from purchased fruit. The 2006 Estate has the 16.2% alc.

Agree fully…great wine, but wish it had less alcohol.

Hi Alex,
I didn’t really notice much toast, (I wasn’t really looking for it either though.)

Hey Buzz,
It definitely could have been, and probably was the Estate. I can’t check 'cause the bottle has been recycled. I was definitely 16.2%.