TN: 2005 Mt Eden Estate Cabernet

I’ve only tasted two Mt Eden cabs in the past, a 1992 and 1994, both in the last couple of years. So this is by far the youngest Mt Eden I’ve tried.

This wine has an absolutely intoxicating aroma, it practically jumped out of of the bottle as I pulled the cork. Really strong notes of cedar box, leather and tobacco with black currant playing second fiddle, at least initially. Very old-worldy, at least as far as california cabs go. It was pretty closed on the palate initially, so I decanted and let it breath fro a bout a hour. During this time, the nose shifted a little more towards the black currant notes, and some additional spicy components (cinnamon, nutmeg) began to emerge. Pronounced black fruit, anise and chocolate front palate, along with hints of leather and tobacco. Noticeable minerality, there’s a stoniness here that I’m definitely enjoying and not used to getting from california cabs. Significant tannins making there presence felt mid-back palate, with a LONGGGGG finish. This wine is built out of sturdy stuff.

The two older Mt Eden cabs I have tasted were definitely skewed towards the earthy, leathery, tobacco-y side of things owing to their age. It’s interesting to taste this wine in that context, because I can totally see if developing in that direction as the primary fruit fades a bit. Glad I have a couple more bottles of this, I’ll probably wait 5 years before popping another.

I’ve had a couple of the '06’s lately which seem consistent with your '05 notes. I hope the '07 fairs as well as I really enjoy this style in a Napa Cab.

This isn’t a Napa cab. This is Santa Cruz Mountains, just like Ridge.

Yep. And this style is the norm in the SCM, while rare these days up in Napa.

'07 is my favorite of the '05-'08 Mount Edens, but they’re all good. '05 is the most brooding, most in need of aging.

You are correct! Must have been late [snort.gif]

Thanks for the note. I really liked the 05 but the rest will remain sleeping.


Have several 97s in the cellar, by far my favorite vintage,we love the SCM cabs,Monte Bello, Kathyrn Kennedy and Mt .Eden

Coincidentally, I got to try 97 Kathryn Kennedy next to a 92 Mt Eden in November. Both very good, both very different. The Kathyrn Kennedy still has a very bold blueberry character while the Mt Eden had a lot more leather, earth, and cigar box, very, VERY old worldy, could easily be mistaken for a maturing Paulliac.