TN - 2005 Betz 'Clos de Betz'

Is there a smiley for breathing fire?

This one is SO packed with heat, it seems over 17% ABV. The fruit is there, it is just way overpowered by the heat. Fruit is still wound tight, too. There’s a rather lengthy finish, that is not at all unpleasant, but perhaps my palate is just calming down from the alcohol let-down.

I know there are fans of Betz abounding, but this is my first bottle, and I’m not terribly impressed. Alcohol doesn’t go away - the rest of the wine is nice, but I can’t stand the heat. (so I’ll get out of the kitchen)

124 points.

The '05 is a nice wine and has won several blind tastings but I generally will decant the night before. I can’t wait to try his wines after they’ve aged a decade or two and hopefully I’m still around to enjoy.

You should really post that on CT. [berserker.gif]

But alcohol doesn’t ‘go away’ or integrate…I don’t see what a decade will do.

If you leave it open, it might evaporate in that time.

Perhaps I could make a reduction sauce from it

Trying one tonight. Quite young, tart and tannic at this point. Nice white pepper, leather and dusty earth on the nose, but still young and tight on the palate - a little bit of black cherry and damp earth, but mouth puckering on the finish. I’m going to let the rest sleep longer. Did not get the alcohol that Todd did.

I usually find the CdB in particular to be a bit blowsy in its youth and really need a few years to settle. If anything my complaint is that they are a little too chocolatey and oaky when young but do settle done very well.

Just one mans point of view, I love Betz wines normally, but I just haven’t been thrilled with the 05 lineup, though a small sample size for sure.

Funny, the 05 PdF is my favorite Cab ever from Betz except maybe the 1997, and their 05 Chapitre3 is easily the best WA Syrah I have ever tasted by a longshot. But I am Bob’s fanboi I guess… flirtysmile

I should have clarified 05 Bord Blends, the C3 and Cote R are terrific, terrific wines. In fact I’m kicking myself for not getting more of the C3’s at release that year.


Traditionally, this is my least favorite bottling in the Betz lineup, but I recently drank an 06 which was a wonderful, albeit modern version of a right bank blend. I have noticed some bottle variation, quite recently on some La Serenne Syrah. I tasted one bottle which showed just like you described, and then another which drank beautifully. That is surprising knowing how careful they are in the cellar with these wines.

Please note, I’m not an apologist for this producer, I like their wines, but outside of the Pere de Famille, I don’t love them.

This is going to sound like an apologists post, but… did you have any mint gum that day? or other palate changers like mint gum? Sorry, but yes betz is higher alcohol than most bdx, but hot? not ever for me, and I tend to love austere bordeaux.

IMHO the '02 Clos De Betz is drinking very well right now, my '05s will rest for a few more years.

French was actually mixing it with Pepsi most of the night . . .

I agree with this. Last week we had company coming over. I cut the grass late in the day and jumped in the shower around 5 PM. opened the wine at 6:00 and tasted and the alc hit me real bad on all the wines. It was that way for a few hours until I realized I was the only one. It was the mint toothpaste. Killed it for me.

As for Betz, I have to say the for me the CDB is best on day 2 if had young. But for the most part, these should all sit for about 8 years from vintage. Try again in 3 years.