TN: 2004 Thierry Allemand Cornas Sans Soufre

Spectacular. An unbelievable fragrance combining all sorts of exotic musky, lavender, floral, meaty and peppery scents, but with far more intensity and the floral/peppery elements much more dominant than I’ve found in Allemand’s other bottlings. Kaleidoscopic in the mouth; constantly changing between incredibly pure expressions of Syrah fruit and more meaty, savoury and floral flavours, and all conveyed with a degree of purity and elegance I’ve rarely ever encountered in wine. I just hope my other bottle shows similarly.

I love this wine.

But wine can’t taste good without sulphur.

Impossible! Preposterous! 2004? No sulfur? Must be vinegar!

I have always wanted to try this wine. Where did you find it?

Seerious! Probably ready to explode on the shelf!

Had this last Spring- so fn good!

I have had two bottles at 11 Madison in NY. One was one of the most remarkable wines I ever had. One was far too bretty for me.

Adam Lee
Siduri Wines

Would the absence of sulphering contribute to the brettiness in the wine?


Might move the problem along more quickly…but if the brett was there and active it probably would have progressed anyway eventually.

Adam Lee
Siduri Wines

Thanks Adam.

lucky ducky

Great stuff. The '01 Sans Soufre is even better.

No thanks for the TN Salil.
Now I’m pissed for shying away, due to trepidation, from the 2 bottles that were available to me last month. [oops.gif]