TN: 2004 Domaine St. Prefert Charles Giraud

I have some free time today so I am preparing some lamb for dinner and planning on having a nice cote du rhone with it. This reminded me of the St. Prefert I had over the recent holidays. The 2004 cuvee Charles Giraud showed so well a few weeks ago that I can’t stop thinking about it. I didn’t take any formal notes but it was one of the best wines I have had in a long time. The color was a deep red and the level of complexity on both the nose and palate transcend it’s price point in my opinion. Everything seemed in balance; tannin, fruit, alcohol. I was really impressed by the complex interplay of red fruit and spice/garrigue. It inspired me to dig out my copy of Harry Karis’ book on CDP to read up on this producer. I checked my notes and the last bottle of St. Prefert I opened was about 3 and a half years ago and it was the 2004 Favier bottling. My notes indicate the Favier was tannic and somewhat brawny. I am guessing that was a function of it’s youth and I look forward to opening another bottle soon to see if it has integrated as well as the Giraud.
Another thing I couldn’t help but notice was that I really like the 2004 vintage in CDP. I have been saying this for a while now. It may not have received the critical acclaim of other vintages ie: 1998, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007 but for my money, I have yet to be disappointed by an '04.