Quite a knockout, with a rich and deep aromatic profile that you can almost chew. A floral element mingles with sandalwood, pear and red apple - which repeat on the palate. Sizzling acidity and ‘bassy’ fruit make for a heck of a bottle of suds. Almost white burgundy-like in its grip, especially on the finish. Should be fun to watch evolve.
Need to find this in magnum.
Thanks for the note. I really enjoyed the 1999 and I will definitely buy some… Sounds like it was pretty open for business and do you have any estimate on when secondary nuances will show?
Pete, you are spot on. I’ve tried this twice now and really like it.
Hi Leah - no way for me to tell on the secondary notes, unfortunately. Pour yourself a glass and let it sit for 20 minutes or so, if you’re able to keep your hands off!
just drank my last 96 - stunning - sorry I don’t own this but doubt I want to pay the tariff now. Thanks for the note anyway.
I actually think I paid only slightly more for the 02 than I did the 96
I saw the 96 at my LWS for $130. Thought about it, emailed some board members, finally decided to pass.
The '96 was in the low $60s when it came to my area many years ago. The '02 was available to me for just over $80 on release, and I snapped it up at that price. Anything under $100 seems reasonable these days with the overall inflation of Champagne prices.
I drank the 96 RD last week and it was showing extremely well.
Just checked CT. I paid $75 in 2006 at a place in RI for the '96. Just picked up the '02 for $85.
Easily the best Bollinger Grande Annee since the 88 and 90; this is up in the top tier of Grande Annees. The 02 Grande Annee is even better in my book and goes down as their best Rose ever. The 2002s are stunning stuff and I can’t wait to see how it turns out as an RD.