Not what I expected. Not an interesting wine, very singular with nothing but blackcurrant on the nose and palate. For what it is, it’s ok, but not something that I would recommend.
This wine may be in a closed phase, and I have no clue of its future.
Wine was bought from a fellow wine enthusiast, and I can understand why the person chose to part with the wine at a low price. And no, the wine is not damadged.
01 glad to own none. [gheyfight.gif]
Interesting, Otto - sounds like this is one of your sink dumps, huh?
Seems also very atypical of what I read on Lewelling cabs, and with '01 being a good year, I wonder why it wouldn’t be less than stellar, since every vintage seems to be consistent in quality and community rating.
Todd, if you would read the 07 thread, you would see that i plan on purchasing their wines, and it’s one of the few. So yeah, big fan, but I have to say exactly about what I taste.
And to you Jack and your happy message I can only say this [1928_middle_finger.gif]
btw the wine may verry well develop nicely, but right now, just don’t open.
I prefer my Lewellings at the 5-7 year mark after vintage. Dave himself doesn’t necessarily recommend making old bones of them. I’m even dipping into the 04’s right now which are decadently off the chain.
I will be the first to say that I have no clue how the wines will perform in the future. I went through 1/2 case of the 05 Conn Reserve Cab a RMP 96 and all I get is simple blackcurrant juice, It may just go great, but I can only report on what I taste.