TN: 1998 Haut Brion--day 2

Just a quick followup to a TN I posted elsewhere and a “howdy” TN here. To recap, I first opened the 98 Haut Brion at dinner Sunday night. It was very closed and tannic at first (even after double-decanting) but it gradually started to open up over dinner. I recorked it at the end of the night and stuck it in the fridge.

I came back to the leftovers last night. It really hadn’t budged much even after an evening/next day in the fridge. The tannins jump in very quickly, and it’s just not a happy camper right now. Excellent potential, but keeps paws off for now.


Wow, double decanting AND a day in the fridge after opening and still not giving it up!

You’d think that at least on the 2nd day you’d get some development - amazing.

At a quick view, I thought you wrote '89 Haut Brion, and I’d have to hold Saxon and P-Rob back…

I think if I had screwed up the vintage on my very first TN post, I would have had to surrender my registration, n’est-ce pas?


No need to surrender, we’ll have you banned before you realize what happened.


The boyz in Bean Town had this at a Spring “cult” cab fest and it was tighter than a Nun’s…well you figure it out. For committing this infanticide, I put myself on 2-Buck Chuck for a week. [berserker.gif]