TN: 1984 Bay Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon Manley Cuvee (USA, California, Napa Valley)

  • 1984 Bay Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon Manley Cuvee - USA, California, Napa Valley (2/13/2012)
    Corked soaked must of the way up but intact, and there was a strange gunk on the bottom of the cork that I haven’t seen before. Decanted for 1.5 hours. In the decanter it looked dark in color but a small pour in my glass looked beet red. Very much still alive and kicking. Mature bouquet of cedar, forest, herbs, mint, and dark berry fruit that occasionally shows a sweeter raspberry edge… The medium-bodied palate is still showing some dark fruit along with complex savory qualities and autumn leaf flavors. There’s prominent acidic tartness that gives the fruit a slight citrusy quality, and there’s a fair bit of drying tannin that threatens to overwhelm the fruit. Where this really shines is when paired with beef, which smooths out the tannin and allows the fruit to stand out and brings everything into balance. I don’t think those tannins will ever resolve so I’d drink this now with food. (88 pts.)

Posted from CellarTracker

I bought this on winebid for $20 or $25 based on the thread here: Long Gone Napa Cabs - WINE TALK - WineBerserkers Quite pleased with how it showed. Anyone know anything more about this wine?