Fesh bright cherries, great lead minerality and a sense of earth as if I was in the vineyard. Last bottle. Drats. Thank you JJ Buckley. (95 pts.)
Posted from CellarTracker
Thanks. I am amazed. I had a few bottle of this provided by friends perhaps 10 years ago. It was excellent at the time but I was sure it was heading down. Clearly I was wrong. It says a lot about the quality of Haut Brion’s 2nd wine. Was there still much fruit ?
Plenty of fruit left. This particular bottle was even more alive than the more recent bottle where the fruit was more like roasted berries. If tasted blind, I would have guessed that the wine was about 15 years old.
It’s not '82 but the '01 I tasted was one of the best Bordeaux wines I’ve tasted, red velvet smoke hints of broccoli…gorgeous