TN: 1975 Beerenauslese

1975 Weingut Weinkellerei GmbH - Weingartener Trappenberg - Huxelrebe Beerenauslese (Nahe, Germany)

A warm evening in London and I fancied a mature chilled white wine on the sweeter side. The cork came out almost in one piece. The colour is a clear deep amber with a green/gold rim. The unctuous nose reminds me of apricot and marmalade jam. The mouthfeel reflects the nose well, but there is a freshness to it that just about prevents it being over cloying. Fully mature, and a worthy replacement to an apricot tart.

Mention of apricot tart has me immediately thinking and craving for a Portuguese custard tart champagne.gif .

Nicos, was the alcohol content listed?
Also for those of us who live in Texas, USA can you define a “warm” evening…70*-71*?

Yes Bob.

Craig, no alcohol % listed. Probably around the level numbers suggest.