1947 Chateau de la Fonvielle - Monbazillac 1er Grand Cru Classe - Reserve du Theulet
Spring is in the air and I fancied opening a mature sweetie to share today. I had purchased this bottle in France some years ago. The top of the label states: “Ce vin doit etre servi très frais”, or “This wine must be drunk very cool.” A very cool wine indeed. Popped and poured, the cork came out in one piece. A deep amber with a green gold rim. The nose is a treasure trove of smells, with caramel, toffee, tar, fine coffee, walnut preserve and hints of black liquorice. The mouthfeel is moderately sweet and complex, though delicately so. It is not a powerhouse of a wine, more a sipping wine for sharing and contemplation.
I have said it before, and I will say it again. It is humbling to drink a wine this old, in this good condition, made by people who may no longer be alive. I toasted their lives, which live on in this wine.