Pale gold. Honey, white flowers. Just starting to show some early secondary development. A certain amount of richness, nicely balanced by ample acidity. A great match w/ the tarragon/lemon/shrimp pasta. Classic Vouvray that has the legs to age for quite a while. While I’d never confuse it w/ something from Huet or Foreau, this is a delicious drink. I think I paid just a bit more than $18/bottle for this & it’s worth every penny and then some.
Thanks for the note.
How dry was this for a Loire chenin - sec, demisec?
I tasted an 04 Baumard recently. My wife commented it was the dryest white wine she’d tasted in months.
Stunning wine I agree. My two bottles are long gone. You have '02 Huet Demis?
I have a case of Clos du Bourg. I also have some 1er Trie Clos du Bourg. And some Petillant…
Good on the CDB. My 2nd fave of the demis with Le Mont being my Hermannshohle and Bourg being my Brucke.
BTW, good to see your back to your old hick ways. [whistle2.gif]
Like Lyle, my Traditions don’t seem to last very long in the cellar (nor does the bubbly or really anything but the stickies).
To be pedantic, I’d call the Tradition sec-tendre rather than demi-sec.
My addiction to chenin blanc unfortunately started somewhat after many of the '02 were gobbled up.
Having said that, based on what I’ve had from Pinon, I find his wines excellent and think he’s somewhat underrated.
Pedants are welcome!
That '02 Pinon had an awesome creamy acid quality that Chenin can get. Having a taste memory right now.
Nice to see a note on Pinon, probably my favorite Vouvray producer now. The Silex Noir is a stunning cuvee from sites composed of Schist. The '07 is rocking…more of vin tendre.
Love the '02. Just had the '97 Tradition last Saturday and it was showing beautifully and still quite young. It never went through a cranky period, either, which is pretty remarkable.
I agree with you in the '02 Huet’s, as you know, finding the Le Mont best, but I prefer Brucke to Hermannshohle.
Brad/Lyle, what tips your opinion in favor of the '02 Le Mont Demi vs CdB?
I found the CDB rather big boned and a little sweeter. I like the weight and elegance of the Le Mont better as well as the Le Haut-Lieu. That said, they’re all stellar and I have a lot of all three. Huet’s '02 Demis are not to be missed.
Brad we came so close to agreeing 100% on something. In time.
Agreed. I think the size and sheer power of '02 Bourg is wonderfiul as it is hot all honeyed sweetness there is a serious mineral super-structure to that wine. Le Mont is a skinny wine with big boobs and that’s why I love it.
Thanks… granted that these things are a crap shoot, but do you think from a long-term perspective, as changes occur, the CdB will grow into its frame a bit more?
Also, anyone know of any places that still have any of the '02s at decent prices?
Thanks… granted that these things are a crap shoot, but do you think from a long-term perspective, as changes occur, the CdB will grow into its frame a bit more?
Unless you’re less than the legal drinking age, you probably don’t need to worry about any of the '02 Demis, though the wild card is Huet is using less sulfur than they used to.
Jim, the CDB is a great wine. It’s just the other two are slightly better, imo. You shouldn’t worry.
Thanks for the note. I think I laid a bottle of this down with the Huets and Forreau’s. Luckily, I buried the box underneath a bunch of others.