This seems a little excessive, no? (UPDATED - it's not)

People read the paper in the boxes? I assume they are copies of invoices and burn them before my wife sees them.

In any case, I agree with Dennis and Howard.

I agree with your thoughts on the note, Larry, but I see Nate’s view as well…the people buying Aubert, most of them probably know what they’re doing. :wink:

As to ageability, I go back to a fun thing I did back in 2012—I opened a vertical of Ritchie, from 02 to 09. The 02 was the best of 'em, and drank more like a Chevalier Montrachet than a CaliChard, and with no deterioration of energy whatsoever. I have not been patient enough since to age any of these, but proffer the empirical evidence that it is a “good thing” to do.

Love all the P&P responses, though. The Church of Pobega is growing!