The Smoked Pork Butt Experiment

I feel your pain Bob. I give myself a good 2-3 hours cushion when I smoke a pork butt or brisket these days. Regardless of the timing guidelines, it’s not done until it’s done. I’ve had briskets cook 2-3 hours longer than I thought they would.

It looks great so far!

Finally hit 200 degrees right before 8:00. Here it is right out of the oven,

The bone pulled right out when I grabbed it and tugged gently.

It’s now resting in a double wrap of heavy-duty foil while I put together the sides.

That’s what she said…

Damn!!! That truly is the other white meat. Looks beautiful Bob. Good job.

What’s that metal rod on the side?

Gaff hook. Gotta watch them pork butts.

Correct. It’s the probe from my Polder remote thermometer.

Here’s the finished product, ready to eat. That’s jalapeno/cheddar/scallion cornbread on the plate next to the pork and cole slaw in the bowl.

Good looking pig there Bob.

High praise considering the source. Thanks.

Tasted good, too!

Well, the good looking smoke ring is all that I needed to see.

Simply awesome. I’ve been meaning to do something similar with my stove top smoker.

The last pork shoulder I had, I stupidly rushed the roasting (started late in the day) and it wasn’t nearly as tender as it should have been so I slow roasted the remainder which ultimately helped.

Stupid me and I know better; it’s always low and slow with these cuts!! [dash1.gif]

When I smoke a Boston Butt on my BGE, I set my alarm for 5:00 a.m. so I can have my temp just right before 6:00 a.m. Then, I plan on dinner around 6:30 or 7:00 p.m. The prep odyssey is almost as much fun as the pulling and eating. Pulled pork is a way of life.

Makes a good start to some kind Carnitas as well.

I enjoyed reading about your prep. I usually brine mine, but next weekend I’ll use a rub instead.