The next Screaming Eagle??

If the eagle screams any louder, it’ll be a shrieking harpy.

Ok, more seriously, wouldn’t the next Screaming Eagle be the 2012 release?

Utilizing the new, advanced, wizzy search tool, I have found an old thread!

Not a ton to add but at least an update. A few of us ended up converging on getting a flight of these fancy 4G wines. I hadn’t heard of them before, one guy did and after some back and forth for a themed get-together it spiraled into this. I haven’t read their marketing so can’t comment on much of the earlier info… Nothing so detailed but here’s a quick run down.

All Syrah, Petit Verdot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc. Had them all over a period of a couple hours.

2013 4G The Echo of G.

  • The 2nd wine, apparently. The cheap one. Was quite fresh, alive, primary, Syrah notes really came through. Enjoyed this, a good start.
  • 4190 bottles made.

2015 4G Venetia’s Heart

  • This was excellent. Well balanced for me, everything coming together with big fruit, high alcohol, oak. My favorite of the three.
  • 4538 bottles made

2014 4G 67 Imizuzu

  • The previous vintage, was priced about 100sgd more than the Venetia’s Heart. It’s quite good but side by side on the 2015 it wasn’t quite hitting the same. The black pepper really came through on this for me though.
  • 5105 bottles made

Maybe if we save up we can try some Screaming Eagle next time…

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Is there a bird on the cork?

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