The New SQN Release...And Purchasing Wines Via Mailer

Got the no wine for you card yesterday…no problem as I don’t have any real free cash of that magnitude sitting around. Save one, maybe two members here, I think we are all in the same boat. The point of this post is not the release itself, but rather the fact that you have to pay via check. No other method is being accepted. I don’t know if necessarily bothers me or not. Does anyone else have any opinions on them not coming into the 21st Century and do somethings electronically?

Don’t get me started… [dash1.gif] Every time I am in the EXPRESS lane at Safeway and some old lady pulls out her checkbook I just want to [suicide.gif]

Oh - I got the ‘no soup for you’ postcard as well.

I’m on the list, and I’m buying (duh), even though I wasn’t really prepared for a cash hit of this magnitude at the moment. It does very slightly annoy me that they only accept check or MO, but not enough to get worked up or worry about it. Their production is so small, and their product in such high demand, that I suspect there is very little motivation for them to change their business model.

I don’t have a problem with it, but only because my bank’s electronic bill paying service has an option to generate a check online and put it in the mail for you. Of course, if someone really wanted to use a credit card, he or she could send one of those cash advance checks that credit card companies send out all the time.

This is all hypothetical because, like you, I got the postcard of doom. I always enjoy SQN’s postcards for their humor and politeness, but I’d rather get a shot at trying the wine.

and yet no kosta browne’ish’ complaint thread about the prices… [whistle2.gif]

Hi everyone, my first post here. Do you guys realize that there is another wine board with people with the exact same names as the one here? [beatoff.gif]

Those other people don’t really exist.

Indeed, but does it have that smiley?

Welcome, Jordan.

I wonder if SQN would even accept an online generated check since it would not arrive with the order form?

But often those people just vanish without a trace! [foilhat.gif]

Sloan, Kistler, SQN… all ONLY take checks.

I love getting miles on my credit cards, I like the way I can track with 12 pieces of paper what I bought during the year. I love the fact I get a 20 day float on my money with a credit card. I live on my credit card, not because I cannot pay cash or via check, but it allows tracking, it gives me some protection if the product is not delivered (wine, TVs, books, computers, everything).

I HATE writing checks. I HATE writing $6k (Sloan) and $7k (Kistler) checks, (SQN “only” $2k). Especially in the same stupid month. That’s 1/2 a free plane ticket in credit card points.

I want the wine, I’m happy to give them my money. But I want to use my credit card!

I bought from all 3 in massive quantities. (yes I get SQN wine and not a postcard.

) But if there is one thing I could change about them, it would be “ACCEPT CREDIT CARDS”


I fall in line here. Mildly annoying but I put up with it. In the end it’s probably better for me because I actually need to have the money in my account before I buy wine. [shock.gif]

I got a “no soup for you - unless others dont take their full allocations.”

First time the postcard has said that (Im sure it was the same on everyones).

What a baller!

Keep the economy chugging baby!

I also find it mildly annoying because credit cards are just more convenient. In fact, I’m dropping Sloan and Kistler this year (though not for that reason).

Still, those airline miles come out of their pocket, with a heavy overhead to your CC company, so if it helps them keep their prices even a little lower, it’s ok by me.

You guys all have to keep in mind that they would immediately lose like 3-5% of their revenues in bank fees by accepting credit cards. Since these wineries sell out of their entire production immediately there is no real incentive to adopt a policy that would lose them money. So until they are at the point where the manual process of collating and depositing the checks is too much of a burden, they will continue to only accept checks. Of course, if demand falters even slightly they will change their tune. When I first got on the Turley list they only accepted checks.

Yeh, that makes something like this pretty easy. The grocery store checkout - that is another story. [suicide.gif]

Oh - and I got the postcard as well.

Good to see familiar names! It doesn’t bother me, I prefer it. I don’t use CC, checks only. I usually have to have the winery do a special PO just to send a check.

No soup for me either, Ill gladly use my checkbook for someone if I get to buy a bottle of 17th nail off your allocation :wink: