For those of you who enjoy Foxen Seasmoke 2010 may be your last opportunity to buy the current vintage. I am lousy at by breaking down tasting components such as a hint of Zanzibar mint or splash of Prruvian Kumquat, but the soon-to-released Foxen Seasmoke is rich and balanced.
Because of a lousy crop in 2011 Seasmoke from Foxen will be almost impossible to locate and will be very very limited production.
The new owners of Seasmoke have told Foxen they will not be selling them any more berries this year or ever again.
Thanks for the post - but I’m not sure your info is correct. I have not heard anything about Seasmoke being sold and would be surprised if it was. Perhaps Poppy can jump in here and clarify . . .
Not sure who Poppy, is but I got this information from speaking directly to and with Dick Dore [should be accent over the e] at a recent wine tasting which Dick attended along with Carlo Mondavi ect.
it is possible I may have misunderstood the change of ownership/control of Seasmoke but for sure Dick and Foxen will not be getting anymore fruit.
I did modify my preivous post but I am almost positive that is what I heard but I know for 100% that SS will not be selling any more fruit to Dick and Bill this year or any other year.
It certainly is plausible that Sea Smoke will not be selling any more fruit to other wineries moving forward. Selling the fruit in the first place was kind of a ‘hedge’ for a new vineyard without a proven track record. Those who were able to purchase - and there have always only been a select few - garnered great critical acclaim for their wines, thus helping the vineyard owner (and in this case, the Sea Smoke brand itself).
The fact that the last two vintages have been ‘challenging’ due to Mother Nature I’m sure somewhat dictated the decision moving forward.
That said, I’m pretty sure there has not been any ownership change at Sea Smoke . . .
Adam Lee, if that’s your real name, will you confirm or deny that you have bought both Seasmoke and Loring for north of $1.78 billion. It is a “yes” or “no” question, Mr. lee.
We’re holding out for $200 million. Afterall, we actually own something… our winery building (I’m not sure that’s actually a positive thing these days - since we built pre-crash)