The difference between being a wine lover and a Berserker!

He could of made one hell of a good snow cone…

I fall in the camp that thinks that a true berserker would never fall while holding a bottle of wine and should he fall holding a special bottle of wine, would find some way of throwing some part of his body between the wine and the dog fouled pavement. Your question is irrelevant as no true berserker would get in such a quandary, just in the same way that true men don’t cahgne lightbulbs because they are not afraid of the dark.

The sno-cone idea gets a little iffy if it was a bottle of white wine.

On further reflection, I think the true Berserker would:

  1. Begin by picking a fight about whether the wine was overripe and/or overoaked.

  2. Launch into a discourse on the relative “terroirs” of (a) dirty snow, (b) gravel and (c) asphalt as they effect spilled wine.

  3. Post about how excited he was to finally taste this mailing list-only wine.

  4. Launch a new thread complaining about the retailer who sold him the bottle.

Excellent; also

  1. Complain that Parker is fairly reliable with older wines, but doesn’t know his arse from his elbow with the new stuff.