Although I was tempted to make this comment in the Spectrum thread, I’ll break it out separately to avoid any potential hijack of that discussion…
I personally can’t think of any better example than the Spectrum thread for why an open wine forum is so important. Even if that thread had been permitted to exist over on EBob–and I suspect it wouldn’t–it would have been buried behind a members’ only/fee required screen. One of the reasons why the Wine Berserkers’ model of an open wine forum is so critical is that the discussion is robust and public. People outside of the WB community can see what’s being discussed, and if they wish, they can join and post their own comments.
Regardless of whatever else happens from here on out in connection with this particular auction, I hope that all of us take a moment not only to thank Don Cornwell for all of his work and analysis, but also to thank Wine Berserkers for existing as a place where you can publicly discuss important matters of concern to the wider wine community and NOT have some moderator constantly tell you what you can and can’t say.
Although I agree completely with your central premise, " Spectrum/Vanquish auction - brewing controversy." Currently #2 thread with 1,600 views. And an (indirect) link to WB through the Corney and Barrow press release.
Totally agree w/ Bruce’s point. And…if you all notice…there’s a little red button up in the corner that says…“DONATE”.
If you click that button and do your thing…you get a nice flag under your name when you post that says “Donor”.
It guarantees that your post is greeted with the credibility and prestige it deserves. Works for me!!!
Sorta like they used to tag your name over on eBob with “Subscriber”…it annoints you as being deserving, I guess.
Yes, yes Todd, you are the baddest man in the valley now. You have buried ebob (with an enormous assist from Squires and RMP). I just wanted to point out that on that one point the OP was factually incorrect.
I think I disagree, Byron. First, ebob was never really a burg spot’ Bob saw to that by his constant disparaging remarks and of course, Pierre did not help matters. Second, there is hardly any content there at all, so it is hard to say what its focus is. But in any event, there are very few bordeaux threads there. Very few. If anything, I’d say that it is a CA-focused board (or bored) these days. Very, very sad given what it once was.
It never fails to amaze me that members of this board have a need to put down the EBob board. If your feeling is that WB is superior, why do you obsess over EBob? Are you trying to convince yourself? Just let it lie.
It’s not a “need”. It’s an observation and is indisputable. Ebob is dead. Suicide was the cause. And I agree with Bruce - what would the result of Don’s thread have been if it was posted in the crypt? Memers might have cross-posted, but no one other than members could have read the thread.
I don’t view Bruce’s post as a putdown of eBob at all but as making the point that being able to say what one wants with very few limitation AND being accessible to everyone, not just members lets a board like WB do things that aren’t possible in other boards. The Spectrum post would not have had the effect it did on Tanzer’s board either - that’s a closed, members only board too.
In sum, Bruce seemed to me to be saying that the open model at WB has distinct advantages and compared us to eBob simply because many of us started posting on boards over there.
Nobody is obsessing over ebob. I think Bruce was just making a point about this place. He could have used the limited coverage on the Spectator board as an example as well, but so many of us were once largely happy with the Squires board until it got really ugly and then closed, so we focus on that as an example. Much the same way as an American might point out some positive of the American system, and if their ancestors came from Europe, they would be more likely to contrast it with how things are in Europe. It’s not obsessing.
OTOH, if a few people around here are still a little bitter about the way they were treated over there, I can’t say I’d blame them either.