The best California "cabernet" you'll never taste

Not to sound too much like a circular fan club (although I suppose it is), but the appreciation for the BTW wines is mutual. Their '07 Pinot Gris is one of the very best I’ve had. In general, I’m hyper-critical of Oregon variants on the varietal, but when I close my eyes and taste this one, I’m reminded of a Grand Cru Alsatian Pinot Gris. I can’t wait for the '08 Gris, not to mention the Riesling…

Absolutely. In this industry, probably the only thing I enjoy as much as pouring for folks, is being in the vineyard – it’s a gem of a site. Let’s touch base end of July and set something up. I’ll be looking forward to the visit.

if you don’t mind me asking…who did you sell the vineyard to?


Expect the call, I’m looking forward to it!

That’s one to tell over a pour sometime. it’s a long and personal story, with both comedic and tragic elements, that I’d rather share face-to-face than on the internet machine…