Grilled one the other night. Flannery. Great as always. Left grill on after pulling steaks to burn off some crap on the grill.
Just went out to put some steaks on. Oops. Never turned it off.
The tank was brand new.
Grill is clean however.
Grilled one the other night. Flannery. Great as always. Left grill on after pulling steaks to burn off some crap on the grill.
Just went out to put some steaks on. Oops. Never turned it off.
The tank was brand new.
Grill is clean however.
Two words: natural gas.
Bob. If it had been nat gas how long would I have left it on?? :-/
it’d be sterile…
Well I’ve started a lot fires using a barbecue but I’ve never left it on and forgot about it! Of course, I’m still on probation for another year and not allowed within 25 feet of an operating BBQ.
Abstinence from meat next Lent…
Until you finished cooking the steaks.
I have a friend who has exactly that, and left it on for 3+ days… He still won’t tell me how much his bill was that month…
Hanger is one of my favorite cuts.
Been there done that! As mentioned above, the grill was really clean!
How much steak, poundage-wise, did you get for the $41?
Sounds like a TGIF steak at a Capital Grille price.
Two words: lump charcoal
I agree! I was gonna ask if that price included a blow job, but Chris made it himself and frankly; I don’t thnk he’s that flexible.
Francis - it’s the Flannery cut, so I don’t really know - but I’d guess 14-21 bucks for the meat. The difference between the hanger steak cost and the 41 bucks was the full tank of propane.
Blum - you’re correct - no way I’m that flexible. And, I normally use lump - but Sunday’s are rushed around here when I have my son as he goes home at 7 so I was just doing the quick and dirty with the Weber.
Francis - it’s the Flannery cut, so I don’t really know - but I’d guess 14-21 bucks for the meat. The difference between the hanger steak cost and the 41 bucks was the full tank of propane.
Blum - you’re correct - no way I’m that flexible. And, I normally use lump - but Sunday’s are rushed around here when I have my son as he goes home at 7 so I was just doing the quick and dirty with the Weber.
If your Sundays are that rushed, workweek nights must be frenetic. Time to downshift to a slower lifestyle.
Every time I think about ordering the flank steak, the siren call of the rib cap or Jorge’s cut is too strong. Haven’t had Bryan’s meat in awhile, next week seems like a good time to order up some stuff. I’ll try the hanger…or maybe the rib cap…or maybe Jorge’s.
What is ‘Jorge’s cut’?
What is ‘Jorge’s cut’?
15% of auction proceeds.