Terry Theise take on Germany 2011


Hmm…not sure what to make of that.

I think that he’s nailed the general profile and style of the vintage, but for individual wines, it really is too early to tell. I was very concerned about lack of acid being an issue, but the early release ‘smaller’ wines that I’ve tasted from the Pfalz, Rheinhessen, Franken, the Mosel and Nahe haven’t been a problem for me at all (surprisingly and thankfully.) Time will tell on the grander wines, most of which have been or will be bottled within the window of about the last month and so I will reserve judgement. The Pfalz producers with Terry that I buy and drink regularly are of course M-C and Minges, and to a lesser extent Messmer. I have a friend who works at Von Winning and so I dabble in those as well, but they are expensive even here, and not always my style. The (three) Catoir wines that I’ve tried have been very nice, but they haven’t released the terroir wines yet. I’m excited to see how all of them turn out. I’ve tasted close to ninety or one hundred 2011s and what I have been impressed with are Bergdolt, Christmann, Mosbacher, and the single wines that I’ve tasted from Buerklin and BJ. It should also be noted that it is a vintage for dry Riesling and although they are regrettably not of much interest to US consumers, a vintage for the other (than Riesling) varieties such as Muskateller, Scheu, Gewuerztraminer and especially Pinot Blanc (Weissburgunder)and Silvaner as well as Pinot Noir. They can’t all be 2010 or '08 or '01, but I think that there is plenty to be excited about over 2011.

I have appointments with Christmann and Odinstal in the next two weeks and I’m really looking forward to seeing what they did with the vintage.


“2010, which by the way I can’t help loving, was a wild weekend with a lover who took you so far past your limits you can’t even remember what those limits ever were. When you fought, plates were thrown. Someone had a knife in hand. The hot wax is still where it dripped onto your body, and the hot shower makes the nail-scratches and tooth-bites sting. It was amazing and wrenching, and part of you is relieved it’s over and you survived it.”

Now THAT is wine writing… flirtysmile

Yes! That was my favorite part too. We’ve all been there…

“First, 2011 is just what the doctor ordered. If we could’ve scripted the perfect vintage for its moment, we’d have asked for 2011.”

Classic. Never forget that he’s a salesman, not a wine writer.

“Never forget that he’s a salesman, not a wine writer.”

He and Kermit Lynch are among the very BEST wine writers in the English language and are ALSO not just salesmen but also amongst the best SELECTORS of gems in the rough.

You get a harrumph outta me for that one!

I’ve read the vintage report 3 times now, and one word keeps coming to mind: equivocation.

I will be very interested to taste the wines, but I don’t read anything that makes me want to go buy blind.