Has been posted:
High ripeness, high acids, but apparently not as “freaky” as 2010. It will be interesting to get more hands-on reviews.
Has been posted:
High ripeness, high acids, but apparently not as “freaky” as 2010. It will be interesting to get more hands-on reviews.
A more measured report than what I have heard from some other quarters (including here).
Great reading whilst I wait for a bl… coyote that wants my chickens for snack. Shotgun loaded .
I read it once a few days ago, but I wanted to reread it now and saw that the report has been removed from the site…
It’s there. Different link.
No, the link on that webpage is the same as given here, and it’s also broken.
Well my link posted above just worked fine. Maybe it’s you.
The link you gave worked fine for me, but it took me to the abstract for the full report. The link there that is supposed to take you to the full report is broken.
Ah. Well that’s on Skurnik.
This link works
The link takes me to the ‘2015 Catalog’ but it only talks about the 2014 vintage. What am I missing?
My mistake, still missing the 2015 vintage report. This catalog appears to be from October 2015
Can someone please provide the correct link?
I think we need to send an email