Just a shout out to any locals who might want to check it out. I went to Willi’s today for Tasting Tuesday where they have a winemaker pour three wines and the restaurant pairs each with an app. Tonight Rick Moshin was pour 3 Pinots. Next week is Hartford Court and the last Tuesday in March Adam Lee will be pouring Siduri. Willi’s has great small plates and these two upcoming tastings should be fun. They start at 4pm sharp (advance tix).
Just sayin’.
I like the place, and it would be fun to be in striking distance on a Tuesday night. But that are like the Soup Nazi when it comes to BYOB, absolutely will not allow more than 2 bottles, even for a larger group. So I don’t go there any more.
I work with Willi’s Wine Bar and would like to clear up a misconception about corkage. Here’s the policy: $15 per 750 ml bottle, for first two bottles per party, $25 per bottle thereafter. Fee waived for each bottle purchased, up to 2 bottles. Of course, this policy pertains to when one is dining there, not for Tasting Tuesdays, which are special events through March. I hope we’ll see you sometime soon.
Holly, thanks for coming in and clarifying. That policy sounds great, and very fair. I’m glad it has changed since the last time I was there (over a year ago).