Super Bowl wine - What Are You Opening?

Orange wine, because it’ll be more appealing than the game.

Whatever you drink, the Patriots staff requests that you check on it two hours and 15 minutes before the game and then use your vacuum sealer to suck all the air out.

Both No. 1 seeds meeting in the superbowl is not appealing? what’s more appealing? (other than your fav team being in it of course)


Just one thing hopefully. A can of Whup Ass.

Nope, especially wehn the Patriots are stuck in the middle of controversy for cheatin, and the other team is led by a guy who cheated at his last job. Orange wine it is…

Don’t forget the several PED suspensions he oversaw with the Seahawks.

Face it - nothing’s clean in the NFL; the only way you seem clean is by losing, so no one cares about any cheating.

Breaking in the new punch bowl with a nice strong rum or whiskey punch.

Probably a Leonetti. Have one that I’ve eyeing for a long time and this might be the best excuse.