So…got my latest WineSphincter in the mail ystrday and spent about 15 minutes reading it cover-to-cover. It was a compelling issue…I ordered 7 Rolex watches, 3 personal jets, and booked into the TajForever.
Could give a Rat$A$$ about 2009 Bordeaux. But did read Laube’s Life Beyond Syrah report in which he breathlessly admonishes us “expect the unexpected”. Whatever the heck that means.
It appears that the two lists of top-scoring wines are focused on the who’s-hot list. The usual cast of characters. I then went to the aphabetical list of the vast/475 wines they specifically reviewed for this report. A lot of old friends there, but (of course) no EdmundsStJohn, Qupe, TreViti, RanchoBodega; some of Calif’s top Syrahs but don’t have much buzz associated with them.
The “Top Wines” recommended list is a curious selection that makes little rhime nor reason. It’s not merely a list of all the wines that scored 90 or above. There were wines scored in the low-90’s (on the WineSpectator’s (smirk/smirk) 100-point scale on the alphabetical list that were not recommended in the “TopWines” list. Same story on the NewReleases list in the back…a rather curious selection I thought, compared to the alphabetical list.
One wonders what the Spec really uses as a criteria for the wines they feature. Hot winemakers and the buzz I guess.
One thing that I did learn from the MaryAnn follow-on article about White Rhones is that Vermentino is not grown in the Rhone.
Anyway…a pretty vapid article I thought.
What . . . nothing by Ginger?
Here is a link to the Tablas Creek page where they talk about Vermentino / Rolle - and why they decided to plant some, even though it is not found in the Rhone . . .
my subscription recently lapsed and I didn’t even realize it till I read this thread–and I had been getting the rag even before Marvin took over, back when it was delivered in a newsprint/newspaper format.