Steve Pitcher, a San Francisco-based wine writer nationally recognized for his significant, in-depth, well-researched articles on a broad range of domestic and foreign wine topics, passed away in San Francisco on February 8th, after an arduous four-year battle with throat cancer, which included chemo and radiation therapies and numerous surgeries.
Sorry to hear this. He wrote some very good articles that appeared in the SF Chronicle and SFGate website.
Good stuff. He taught me about a subject I love, and he will be missed.
I’m very, very sorry to hear this. I knew Steve had been seriously ill and surmised it was throat cancer or something quite close to that.
Steve was a most pleasant person and extremely knowledgeable about various areas of wine, especially German wines and Champagne. Ironically, even though we both lived in San Francisco, it seemed to be in Germany that we most often ran into each other, and I always appreciated hearing his views on the wines there.
Here’s the notice of Steve’s death to be published in the San Francisco Chronicle tomorrow and Sunday:
Very sad. I saw him at the Calistoga Appellation Celebration at Montelena (I think last spring). A gentleman.
A very gentle and soft spoken man that will be missed. He was a judge at the Mendocino County wine competition for decades. He was a writer that had a big heart and not that big of an ego.