State of Your Cellar


Yeah, they need time, but they are quite approachable now as well, and the noses are kick ASS! So much sweet, bright, fresh floral, cherry, and licorice going on. I’m sure they will continue to get better, but I’m not sure the noses could possible improve…awesome.


Income down, drinking what I’ve got. Trying to cut the consumption down as well, not as successful in that regard. I am too good a wine buyer – it’s all so damn good.

Grown. We always say we’re not buying any wine, but we always do. Then we say we’ll only buy early drinkers, but we always end up buying stuff to stash away. We are both enablers. We need to go all Big Love and find a frugal spouse to reign us both in.

According to my CT my purchases outpaced my consumption by 55 bottles since Jan. 1 bringing my total to 1,670. Part of this is due to increased allocation of Pride, being added to the Dehlinger list, and finding some great deals via local retail and WineBid. This, unfortunately, was an improvement over last year when my cellar grew by 90 bottles.

Like others, it’s a managed situation. I have a ~450 bottle Vinotemp that’s filled, and about 1-2 cases waiting in the queue to hop inside. No more purchases until some of these bottles kindly empty themselves.

I have restricted myself to a few mailing lists, Donnhoff, and 2004 Barolo. Somehow that’s still been a lot of wine. How that happened, I still don’t understand. [shrug.gif]

Thinning on the under $40.00 and growing rapidly on the later. Great values to be had out there.

According to CT, my cellar actually grew by about 12 bottles in 2009.

Mine so far has grown by about 40 bottles. WIll probably grow a bit more as I find deals on 2004 Barolo’s.

Growing steadily as a result of (i) stocking up on every day 2007 CdR; (ii) jumping on some good CNdP deals for older vintages; and (iii) unexpectedly getting added to some mailing lists (Saxum, Rhys, Maybach, etc.).

I keep telling myself to pair the mailing lists down to only a few of the ones I value most. But when the mailers hit I order anyway. I mean, if these wineries are thoughtful enough to send me their mailers, the least I can do in return is order wine. Right?

I have a fixed storage limit in the vinotheque so I bounce around between 150 and 185…

[blush2.gif] growing…growing…grown! Mostly new mailing lists…

Actually it’s always funny to have a look at CellarTracker and compare perception and reality :slight_smile:

Over the last year:
Q1 08: -76 (0 purchases, and tons of “consumptions” due to cellar inventory)
Q2 08: +2 (very quiet +3 and -1)
Q3 08: -21 (6 “purchases” (all gifts!) and back to France for a while so consumption up)
Q4 08: +16 (+76 due to burgundy deliveries and -60 due to being closer to my cellar :wink: and more cellar inventory)
Q1 09: +13 (purchased 30 bottles of cheap Alsace and Rhones)

Total: -66

All in all very quiet years… only the regulars from Burgundy come in, and a few odds and ends of my favorite producers.

Grown. I cannot resist some of the deals nowadays. My average per bottle purchase price has gone way down, but my volume is up. Most recently I bought a case of 2006 Mountford Pinot for $16.99 a pop and a case of Ruston Family Cab (2006) for $19.99 a pop. Dropped most mailing list purchases aside from Carlisle and Rhys.

Same rate of puts and takes. Adding more syrah and petite, with some pinot…drinking as much as I am buying. However, buying more from a tighter circle of producers and starting to really center on what I like, those I like.

You got rid of your one bottle of cab a few weeks ago…

I am (sigh) up 200 already this year (1200 now - yikes) but that is due mainly to spring deliveries, lists and Garagiste that were actually bought last year. Expect it will begin to decline over the summer, then we will see where the finances are for the fall. I am racked and 100% full for CA, France, Australia’s spaces, but still a little more room for Spain, Argentina, and Deserts, so we will have to see how the sales come in this summer.

Great, just looked at my purchases report over time. I needed that shock to the system.

It’s grown which is amazing since I cut back on nearly 75% on mailing list purchases this year but my purchases has gone up via online retailers (Too many good deals). I really do not want a 3rd wine cabinet in my house but it looks like I am heading that way. If only the stock market would explode upwards and help me build a real wine cellar under my house.

As long as I don’t have to wash Steve’s back in the shower…I’ll play along!