Starting a family cellar

Could have bought all that great Aussie stuff from the 60’s though…

A case of Bin 60a = a lot of $$$$'s…

Alan, this post makes me grateful for my experience. My dad bought well for years, many great ageworthy wines. It took a while, but once I became fascinated, we have had some of the best evenings enjoying well aged Bordeaux, Port, Cal Cabs, and other wines. I have even expanded his horizons with areas I’ve discovered and come to love. This can be a fascinating and fulfilling experience with family. But inheriting/bequesting is not the goal; it’s drinking mature and great wine with the people who matter to you and who will appreciate them with you.

My son is 5. I am 55. I have many bottles of wine. I hope he enjoys wine when he is “of age”. I do purchase wine, store wine and collect wine with the anticipation that he will enjoy well matured bottles when he learns to appreciate what he has inherited. Who knows what will happen in the future. I will, however, continue to enjoy my collection until I am no longer able to. My problem is how do I ensure that he will have access to this wonderful collection should I not be around when he is old enough to inherit my wine.

I don’t know Cole’s accidental benefactor either, but I am grateful to him, via Cole, for some special bottles of wine. That said, it will probably be the case that if you leave wine, someone, if not your family, will get the benefit. It’s of course nice to do something for your children. But one ought never be disappointed if they don’t share your particular tastes.

What my wife doesn’t drink up, the kids can have. I’ve been buying wine since the late 90s and I’m not buying anything in particular to cellar for them.

I have purchased a few wines that I probably will not drink and will last longer than I will. Mostly now the wines are 3/1 short term/long term aging. My kids and family enjoy good wine. Hopefully they will continue to check CT notes on drink ability. But if they do not, that’s beyond my control. I may rearrange the cellar to reflect aging potential instead of variety or region to make selection easier, but I have not bought anything nor plan to that will not enter it’s drinking window within 5 years.

Seems like a damn fine legacy, although I’m in no position to even think about kids.