Last night we finished our Churro Lamb stew with a really good bottle of 2004 Rene Rostaing Cote-Rôtie ‘Côte Blonde’ - cork colored a ragged 1/4 inch, dark ruby in color; rich, flowery dark fruit, with adequate acidity and mostly resolved tannins; with a long flowery fruit finish. It was very good with the spicy lamb stew. Then for dessert we had Triple Cream Brie and Iberico cheese with raisins, mixed nuts, and half of a Fuji apple. With the cheeses et al we had a nice 1998 Josef Pöckl Mönchof Zweigelt Classique - cork saturated a rough half inch, good ruby garnet in color; with rich, spicy red fruit, barely adequate acidity and resolved tannins; with a medium long red fruit finish. The Austrian Zweigelt was very good with the cheeses et al.