Skip the decanter - pour aerated wine. OMG!

Got an email from Sur la Table that links to this little gadget.

Vinturi Wine Aerator

Aerate your wine in the amount of time it takes to pour a glass. Within seconds, reds and whites are mixed with precisely the right amount of air, delivering a better taste. Wines breathe instantly and result in a better bouquet, enhanced flavor and smoother finish. Just pour your wine through the funnel for a perfectly aerated vino. Includes a no-drip stand and travel pouch. Dishwasher safe. Made in the USA.


I have friends that bought one of these over XMAS. Poured some '04 Monbo through it and it worked its magic. [beatoff.gif]

Wow, that’s some statement. This must be a miracle product! [blink.gif]

By height.

2 inches above the funnel for 2 years worth of age, 4 inches for 4 years worth of age. etcetera etcetera etcetera…
It gets tricky if you want a 1896 Pride Reserve though…

Sad part is it’ll probably do well with the “Tall Poppy” crowd. They’ll swear their $8 Chard and/or Shiraz tastes SOOOO much better after going throught the Aerator.

The miracle was the cash it made for the company that manufactures it. This thing was endorsed by Oprah, the NYT, and the Today show to note a few. We couldn’t keep them in during the holidays. I keep mine right next to my Ring of Oden.


Friends of ours gave us one when they visited over New Year’s. I’ve used it successfully on several younger wines - softer tannins and generally smoother. I usually run the wine through the Vinturi into a decanter and then sometimes through the Vinturi again back into the bottle.

I have some local friends that would bring these to offlines and pass it around. I passed. Decanting or just plain waiting is more informative to me not to mention elegant.

The funny part is that it looks like a female sex toy of some sort.

Or one for T-Bone’s numerous Miami adventures.

Hey Tex is it me or did your avatar FAIL!

I have one of these things and while their claims are a little silly, I have found (by direct comparison) that it has the same effect as about a 2 hour decant.

Nope. Works as designed.

I got one for free when I was pouring at Zinfest last spring. It’s still in the box. Maybe I should try it.

Intended use or what WetRock came up with?

You mean that thing actually works? OMG!

Not sure yet. insert wow smiley

Judging by the singles night for V-day, I’m thinking the latter.

Being the geek I am, I’m just trying to figure out what wine they are pouring in the pic - can’t seem to get it though…

I was actually given one of these as a gift and I have used it quite often. I really don’t know how effective it is, but I like to pour through it into the decanter. It just seems to open up the aromatics a bit more initially.