Tonight I had a jones for some veal. Add to the jones a few days ago for some polenta and I had dinner already destined.
The simplest things are always the best. Foods not complicated with any more than just a few fresh ingredients, light seasoning and heat.
1 pound veal cutlet from leg, sliced thin
1 cup course ground corn meal
1 tablespoon butter
a glob of extra virgin olive oil
1/3 onion chopped fine
2 cloves garlic
1 cup and 1 half of chicken stock
salt & pepper
I sauté the onion and garlic in extra virgin olive oil. After it turned somewhat translucent I add the stock and bring to a boil. Pour the cornmeal in slowly and whisk together until light bubbling starts. Lower heat and continue on checking for moisture and adding more stock as needed. Salt & pepper to taste. 20 minutes later I rinse the veal in cold water and blot dry. Salt and hit with a tiny amount of olive oil and onto my pre-heated Le Creuset grill pan. Minute each side and done. Combine and add some more oil, black ground black pepper. Meat is still pink in the middle. Alongside I enjoyed a 2001 Clarendon Hills Grenache Kangarilla Vineyard.
It’s a decent Tuesday night