Shit Wine Tasters Say

“I can really see the tannins.” [snort.gif]

That had to be a performance. People cant be THAT stupid… or can they?

It was a performance, but based on shit people really say.

Thanks, Bill. Brilliant!

But holy crap, is it going to make me even more self-conscious going forward!

I think the raspberries question to be completely valid !!

Is there a similar “Shit Pretentious Filmmakers Say” video? I give this video 1 Ha.

There’s actually quite a few of these on YouTube. And they should all be retitled “Shit Wine Drinking Assholes” say.

And there are also a few “Shit Directors Say” vids. They also suck.

There are a lot of these videos on youtube, but I believe the original one was Shit Girls Say: Shit Girls Say - Episode 1 - YouTube which I find pretty entertaining.